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Former Lady’s Maid Alicia Healey Refashions Royal Experience into Styling Business

You can imagine our excitement when we had the opportunity to interview Alicia Healey, former Lady’s Maid in the Royal Household and author of “Wardrobe Wisdom: How to Dress and Take Care of Your Clothes.”

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Suze Solari Helps Women Align Their Image and Personal Brand

But Suze Solari, personal stylist, image consultant, and CEO of The Style LAB with Suze, says we are doing ourselves a disservice by dressing down. Solari helps corporate leaders and high-level entrepreneurs align their image with their expertise and brand so their messages can be heard.

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Kathleen Elie’s Journey from Garment District to Conscious Consumer

Kathleen was living every fashion lover’s dream until she began to wonder if there was more to the fashion industry than what meets the eye.

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Marley Victory Bee Finds Confidence in Saddle Shoes and Shirtwaist Dresses

Marley started Victory.bee in honor of the vintage-wearing women she saw posting their looks on social media when she was in high school. Marley reminds us that by being brave enough to defy the rules we may find the confidence that we long for.

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